Monday, February 21, 2005

The Gates

It took 21 million dollars, 23 miles and 7500 gates to to get me and my friends to meet up outside a restaurant, bar, club or soho.

The Gates at Central Park by Christo and Jean Claude

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Happy Valentines Day

My best friend and I cracked the code, the meaning of life, the riddle of the sphinx, the Davinci Code...and the answer is this, if you want to be chased, wined, dined and loved by men, treat them exactly the opposite of what you want, treat them like shit.

So, on this Valentine's Day, we were listing some of the sweeter, grander, unforgettable gestures by the past men in our lives. ALL were done in reaction to some of our colder disdained moments.

- I was seeing this guy who always put me second, or third, or twelfth, and during this time I took off for a month without much notice of when I'd be back. "I miss my family and friends, I'll be back." I came home to flowers and a looooong letter.
- She was seeing this guy who wasn't making much of an effort and she ended up meeting someone else. He learned of this and invited her over for some wine and dine.
-There was this guy I poitely said no to for a date. Every time I said no, the events of the date got bigger, from coffee to dinner and a show, a broadway show no less.
-By the last month of the year long relationship with my boyfriend in college, there were no more dates, just 'hanging out,' the sex had dwindled and romance had died. I met someone else and went on a date. I came home to a mixed CD at my doorstep (don't laugh, the mixed CD was the thing to do back then).

This is immature, unhealthy and simply, unkind. Now, once we receive these sweet somethings, can we go to them? No, because it wasn't extended from the right motives. Besides, isn't this what they mean by 'playing games'? Don't we want to be in a situation where our kinder gestures are returned with similar expressions? And what about treating your neighbors how you would want to be treated? Newsflash, men are not your neighbors.

I really hope this is an entry I will look back on and wish I didn't write.

The couple entries following this one is from the other week and I hesitated posting it because it sounded like a potential set up for failure. But then I realized that if I concerned myself with this every time I went to write a gleeful entry and didn't, I'd have a blank olive green blog. Not exactly a bestseller.

So, I did even after what was discovered this past weekend. An ending already? Well, to be honest, with my track record it wouldn't be an 'already' situation, at about a couple months, it has surpassed most 'situations.'

Okay, back to 'is it an ending?'...I'm not sure. Here's my problem. I have a philosophy on the discussion of relationships, don't discuss it. I know that there comes a time when it's hard to abstain from the subject but until that far and away time, shun it. If two people are aimed towards something significant, then I believe it will happen it due time. Prematurely talking about it sets up expectations and responsibilites. Conversely, if it's meant to be casual, then let it be. I mean, after all, having a talk like this isn't exactly light and fun.

I know that some may argue me on this and say that communication is important and that it's wiser to know where the other stands from the start. Perhaps. However, there's this. By telling someone that you're not looking for something serious, it spoils getting to know each other naturally, ironically the fun part. For so long, I've heard AND said, "I'm just looking to have a good time, to get to know people, to enjoy myself..." I don't want to say it or hear it anymore. On this subject, just "shhh..."

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Punxsutawney Phil wrong???

Good weekend. For starters, we finally got a break. A peek of sun, softer winds, and even some melting snow. I haven't been out and about in the city like this past weekend since fall. New Yorkers truly appreciate a nice day in the middle of winter. The entire city is advantageous of the snow-cleared sidewalks and head to cafes, parks, shopping, with dogs, girlfriends, boyfriends, ladies, homies, solo, et al. With all due respect to Phil's forecast, maybe, just maybe his shadow was off. At least, I hope, really hope.

Had excellent Ukraninan food, saw a great flick, had homeade chocolate, walked the village in cirlces, hugged an elephant on 5th ave, cruised along the East River, made a movie... just to name a few.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Gazed and Confused

It was just one of those great dates where dinner turned into a movie and the movie turned into hot chocolate and the hot chocolate turned into a drive back home along the FDR and the drive back home turned into a gaze at the Manhattan skyline. Even after the long hiatus, things were able to pick up right where they were left. I should really, I mean really, give New York a shot. Why else did I move out here, right?

But, I'm still listening to Peter Cincotti...on repeat.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


I tried to watch the state of the union address earlier- I switched to Vh1. I tried to read a brief New York Times article on an update in the middle east- I turned to the Style section. I tried and complete a petition to in response to Hot 97's obscene Tsunami song- I started listening to 97.1.

To that end, one of my new years resolutions is to become more politically aware. Not even active, just aware. I feel hollow. *sigh*

Perhaps, I need to shift my focus. I've been thinking about what it is that I spend most my time thinking about. It comes down to this: jobs, money, friends, family, boys, travel, weather, weekend, sales and boys. Even when I finish reading a book, not much time is spent on reflecting on it. I read, I finish, then I think about what to order in for dinner. Then, in the not too distant future, I come back to the aforementioned list. "I wonder what he's up to. I want a job that pays well, well enough for me to travel or go out on the weekends and not always have to wait for sales." See, I can even string them into one thought.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Dreading Weddings (rhymes/puns, can't resist 'em)

I'm looking at three weddings within the next six months. I'm still not certain on my thoughts on marriage and children but I am leaning towards the no wedding thing. In fact, I'm growing a fondness for eloping- it isn't tacky, it's spontaneously romantic (and efficient). It's a good thing that none of my soon-to-be-married friends read my blog...or anyone for that matter *crickets*.

Nope, I do not want it. No thank you with all the planning, flowering, and dress hunting. Yes, somehow it even managed to take the fun out of dress shopping- it goes from shopping to hunting, literally. You aim for a certain color/style then, shoot (purchase) then kill and disect (tailor and alter). I'm steering clear of anything that spoils shopping period. I can't imagine planning something for a year. I can't imagine studying up on flowers to the extent of a botanist. I can't imagine wearing lace unless it's by Betsey Johnson, Heatherette or Commes de Garcons. I can't imagine having to select which friends are close enough to make the bridal party cut. Personally, I think it's your close friends that should be freed of the task. Don't get me wrong, I am honored to be asked to be a part of their special day, I just don't know what I'm good for. For instance, what's the difference between a briday party and a bachelorette party? I asked this question to the soon-to-be-brides and they didn't seem happy to learn that neither of the planning has begun.
Tahoe 2005

A bus, a subway, a shuttle, a plane, and a rental car away I finally arrived in Tahoe for a weekend ski trip. By all the efforts, it might appear as though I'm an avid skier. Well, I'm not. I went a lot growing up and made seasonal trips in college so I do enjoy the annual snow trips however, in truth, the appeal of this trip was to hang out with my new l.a. friend. It was a blast.

The highlight of the trip wasn't the incredible sunny 50 degree weather, perfect powder snow, the amazing accomodations, or even the breathtaking views but it was the biscuits in bed, sushi on the plate as I finished the last piece, and only having to carry my ski poles. I had forgotten how nice it was to not be independent.

Back in NY, on my way out to the market, where I have to juggle the groceries and opening the mail room door with only two hands. Four hands sure would make it easier. *sigh*