Sunday, June 22, 2003

Me...Uncut, Uncensored, Unplugged.

- I used to chase boys on the playground and make them kiss me.
- I refused to go to school on the first day of second grade because my mom wouldn't let me wear her high heels.
- I know how to give myself highlights and a French manicure.
- I know how to change a tire and do an oil change.
- I used to turn on the sprinklers on my younger brother when he mowed the lawn. It never seemed to get old.
- I used to prefer going to the bank, carwash, and post office with my dad over going to Chuch E. Cheeze with my mom.
- My dad and I favored each other growing up. Now, I see him once a year and I see my mom as the strongest woman I know.
- I stop to take a smoke break during runs.
- I threw up the first time I tried a cigarette.
- I spent Saturdays going to Korean School growing up. I spent Saturdays recovering from Fridays in college.
- I have held 8 retail jobs between high-school and college.
- I used to clean animal cages in elementary for $2.50 an hour. I preferred it over baby-sitting.
- The best trip of my life was in 8th grade to Washington D.C. with the rest of the geeky G.A.T.E.'s. My first crush was on that trip, a pilot from Westpoint.
- I have gotten into a fight. I beat up someone who punked my younger brother incidentally, he became my first boyfriend.
- In college, I used to eat breakfast at 3, lunch at 8 and dinner at midnight, from the same foodcourt.
- I have never been to my school's gym.
- I step on the scale several times during the day.
- I actually read magazines.
- I had the privilege of attending the school with the second largest library in the country (second to the Library of Congress). I have never spent more than an hour in my school library.
- I watch TV with remote in one hand and thesaurus in the other.
- I'm not scared of much. I freeze when children approach me.
- I get into bed with a novel and wake up with a fragrance ad stuck to my face.
- While others may dance or sing in private (admit it), I act out monologues from fave movies.
- I like the sight of vacuum tracks on my carpet, small girls driving SUV's, and guys pulling up their shirt to wipe sweat off their forehead during a basketball game.
- I never tried out for a sport in high-school.
- I had braces, a retainer and a head gear (no, I did not have to wear it to school but I did have to wear it overnight leaving an impression the next day).
- I hope grunge makes its way back. Hair-band boys have timeless looks.
- I do not like to pet dogs. I do not think their coat is that soft.
- I would have no qualm about owning a chinchilla fur coat.
- I started wearing make-up in fourth grade. I won't go to a Blockbuster without some facepaint.
- I love girly colors: red, pink, purple, et al.
- Rarely, do I have both hands on the wheel. One is either changing music, ashing, or reaching for my latte.
- My license was suspended for a year for excessive tickets. I got caught driving on a suspended license and had my car impounded. My mom revoked my license then, I listened. I am more scared of my mom than the law.
- I completed honors Spanish with 19 absences.
- I cut school just to go back home.
- I'm a caffeine junkie: coffee, tea, soda. I used to go through a bottle of No Doz per semester during exams.
- I go to Costco every other week and get the same three things: water, gum and health bars.
- Most of my kisses were from church retreats.
- I love stand-up kisses, falls in line with forehead kisses. I don't remember the last time having one not lying down.
- I used to have a crush on Parker Lewis, Tyler (from Life Goes On), and Alex P. Keaton.
- When I got the chicken pox and learned that it was contagious I hugged my brother for the first time.
- I always get in costume for Halloween.
- I'm not ticklish. For the right guy, I pretend to be.
- I think photography is one of the sexiest passions.
- I have difficulty listing hobbies or skills of my own.
- I wonder what ever happened to Lauryn Hill.
- I've always wanted a tattoo, dreads, and a tongue piercing.
- I'm needle-phobic.
- I do stop to smell flowers.
- I take baths.
- My college roommate and I used to make CD's, pick up Foster's milkshakes, get high and drive along the coast.
- I never get out of bed right when I wake up, I lay there for a few minutes. I never fall asleep right when I climb into bed, I lay there for a few minutes.
- My senior year, I asked my mom if I could skip college and go to NY to try theatre acting.
- I wish I had the coordination of bartenders.
- Right now, I have four bruises to no one else's blame but my own.
- I pack a suitcase for overnight trips.
- I wish I had naturally curly hair.
- I don't know why I wear a bra.
- I don't mind silver and gold together.
- Roles I would die to play: Carrie Bradshaw in SATC, Lisa (Angelina Jolie) in Girl Interrupted, Aunt Jackie in Roseanne (she's so spastic, I love it), and Carmella in Sopranos.
- I live alone in a one bedroom, I grew up with a family of four in a studio.
- At all costs, I will never live by train tracks again, even for rent-control.
- Growing up, I wore hand-me-ups, my younger brother's shirts.
- I spent all last weekend at thrift stores searching for classic Lee denims.
- Kissing a girl wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be.
- I have seen more movies by myself than with others.
- I have tried acid and watched Pink Floyd videos. I am glad to not be born in the 70's.
- I don't care for poetry but poetry slams always make me want to write.
- I never use the white towels because I'm always dying my hair.
- I wish I didn't have to use a stool to put away the dishes.
- I make my bed every morning.
- I never wash my car.
- I played violin for 7 years. I know how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb.
- I spend much time surfing on the internet for clothes and shoes. I have never made a purchase online.
- I have never worn about a third of my shoes.
- I do not have a problem with saying that I met a guy at a club.
- I haven't actively attended church since high-school.
- I have never doubted the existence of God.
- I can't go over an hour conversation with a girlfriend without gossiping.
- I have had the same friends for about 10 years.
- I have never witnessed a sunrise or a sunset.
- I hope for someone, a sunset, a sunrise, and a blanket so, that I may stop chasing boys.