Thursday, July 08, 2004

I Heart NY...and SF

They say New Yorkers feel like they're going to fall off the face of this earth if they leave the island...I felt that when I left for California.

I've been basking in the wind-shielded Cali sunshine for almost a month- it'll be over a month when I finally return. Yes, I am returning. I am.

They also say that you can never go back home, I don't get that. I'm not sure if it's the comfortable weather, smoking while driving, lower marlboro and starbucks prices, mom's jji-geh's, brothers dvd collection, old friends to talk about new boys with or simply the feeling of home but it's certainly been good to be back. So good that I forgot I fell off.

However, as much as I have enjoyed the past few weeks, so much in fact that I'm still here, ny is my home and I can't wait to go back...just how humid is humid?

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