Monday, March 29, 2004

On your mark, get set, think.

Some people meditate, some work out, some practice yoga or Kabalah (at least until Madonna finds a new holistic exercise) and then there are those who turn to their Sauconys. I am a part of that latter group. I run. Admittedly, I don't run for health or physical gain- that is evident when I leave the house with with my keys and a pack of smokes.

I reached Central Park and began running. I mean really running. I passed by joggers, pacers and even left some bikers in the dust. Yes, I felt a little silly looking like I was a part of a one-woman Forest Gump marathon with no fellow runners or a finishing ribbon to run towards yet, I found aleviation in pursuing a single-tracked focus. However, I don't know why. I've been running for as long as I can remember not because I'm great at it but because of its boundless liberation. It can be done aimlessly and and requires no honing of a skill so long as it is done solo and that's exactly how I do it. There's no team to answer to or instructor to follow. I find great exoneration in that. I brood over any troubles, stresses or dilemmas. However, I'm beginnning to to question the actual effects of this time honored practice of mine. Perhaps, this limitless terrain is actually limiting. Often when I run, nothing has been effectively resolved. Physically, I return home sweaty and hungry. Mentally, I have completed a wayward loop. Today, during my aimless route that parallels my roundabout thoughts, I decided that the best solution to my problem is to keep running.

Sure, they say not to run from your problems but sometimes I think the best solution to a problem is to not come up with a solution... just keep running and eventually the running will digress into a walk, soon to be followed by a pleasant stroll home.